Communication Values

With regards to providing us with comments on our website or in our forum, we ask you to consider the following:

The email address provided in our response form will be visible for us, it wont be published with your comments.

  Your comments should be about the topic of the article/page.

  We do not allow for discriminating, sexist or racists remarks. These comments will be deleted right away, and no further comments from these users will be possible anymore.

  Formulate your response succinctly, so other can still follow the story line.

  The disclosure of sensitive information of third parties are not allowed in comments. Addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of third parties are thus removed.

 Advertising or propaganda messages (including hyperlinks there) will be removed.

  By responding to this site / forum you make your opinion known. Do you have a specific question please contact us.

  Do not fall into repetition. Since the comments are moderated, it may take a while for your comment to become visible.

We moderate your comments and will publish them when they are in sink with our values. We do not change your comments. 

Our moderator has the right to block emails, IP adressess and so on when our values are violated.

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