Jaap Rameijer's Blog

My adventures in Writing, Photographing, Guiding, Coaching, Tours, Events and other items that interest me. I invite you to subscribe to my blogs, so you can be notified by email when I post new items. Enjoy!

Newsletter September/October 2013

What a month, what a month. So much is happening and it still feels as if time is holding its breath. Or her breath? Waiting for a signal from the Universe to get going. Many of us have been going through difficult times. Hard times. Transforming ourselves. Moving to higher energy and frequency levels. Solving ancient karma. Many of us are very tired, but we are holding on. Waiting. Waiting and knowing that things will change. Will change soon, and for the better. That things will finally become clear. And that we will see our destiny. That the time is near that our energy will flow again. Well, dear Spirit World, show us. Let it go and let it flow!

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News August 2013

News August 2013

A bit late, but then, much has happened during this month. The busiest month of the year. With music festivals, folk dancing, Vide Greniers, the Bio Market in Couiza, the Book Market in Rennes-le-Chateau, the people staying at la Source, the crystal skull seminars, the visitors to the Cave of Mary Magdalene, the beautiful skies, the incredible Orbs, and more, much more. But most of all things seemed to be happening to the people. Loosing old friends, finding new friends, transformations, pain,  frustrations, uncertainty, hard physical work, dark energies,  powerful experiences, altogether it was a very demanding and turbulent period. Let’s hope September will bring rest, peace, spiritual insights and love.

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Fall Release: Verschil moet er zijn is Available

Fall Release: Verschil moet er zijn is Available

My book "Verschil moet er zijn" (Man and Woman sharing differences) is accepted by my publisher Aspekt for release  in the Fall of 2013. And is available as you read this.


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News June/July 2013

News June/July 2013

So much has happened and so much is happening that I just could not write the June newsletter in June. Even now, in July, I am hard pressed for time. So this will be a combined June/July newsletter.

What has happened?

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On Nomination in England: Jamie on his Cloud

On Nomination in England: Jamie on his Cloud

Good news, wonderful news. A Welcome change! My latest book “Jamie on his cloud” has been nominated in England for “The People’s Book Prize, 2013 – 2014 Summer Collection, category “Children.”

The book is published by Local legend with publisher Nigel Peace. See cover and backside.

The book has also been published in Holland and will be published in France. I am open for publishers in the German, Spanish, Portugese and Russian languages! And others. Also available as ebook in French on my site and soon at Amazon.

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