Jaap Rameijer's Blog

My adventures in Writing, Photographing, Guiding, Coaching, Tours, Events and other items that interest me. I invite you to subscribe to my blogs, so you can be notified by email when I post new items. Enjoy!



My good friend and colleague, writer Val Wineyard, recently asked me if I would guide two friends of hers who were interested in following in the tracks of France’s famous Beast of the Gévaudan for a manuscript to be published early next year. I am sure it will be a big success.

The story in this blog post comes from what I heard from my new friends, what I saw for myself, and what I found on the Internet. It is a true story. It happened in the period of 1764 to 1767, when a creature called “La Bête du Gévaudan” killed dozens of people, mostly women and children.

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Newsletter March 2014

Newsletter March 2014

Hectic times. We all thought that things would be better now. That things would finally go our way. After so many struggles and so much pain. Well it is, but slowly. Now we are in a time of confusion. A time where things are finally becoming clear. Things that had to be said or done. It is not always appreciated. But it is necessary. There are arguments, severe rows, and harsh words. And people are reproaching each other. It is not always nice to hear what must be heard. And it is not always possible, or even good, to say it in a gentle way. For then the message may not be understood.

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Newsletter January 2014 with wonderful ORB images

Newsletter January 2014 with wonderful ORB images

Times are strange. For January was the month before things were really going to happen. At least that is what my spiritual friends told me.

But lots of things did happen in January. Many people were ill of suffered from pain somewhere in their body. Others were restless, waiting for something to happen. Maybe they were being prepared for the new world. Maybe they were being transformed. And very strange: lot of small disasters struck us and many of our friends. As if to say: “these things should be cleared first, before you cango on!” There isn’t much else to say. Just a few things. But I got some awesome pictures. So enjoy.

AND dear friends. If you fancy spending some time at our domaine La Source in March or at the beginning of April and if you think you can help us with various jobs around the house, you are most welcome. Free lodging and good food in exchange for a couple of hours of your work. Let me know if you are interested.

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Extase uit Verschil moet er Zijn

Extase uit Verschil moet er Zijn

Een stukje uit mijn boek. Hopelijk geniet u ervan en bestelt u mijn boek voor meer vermaak en inzichten!

Wij mannen, althans de meeste mannen, zijn gefascineerd door vrouwen. Dat is niets nieuws. Het zijn zulke bijzondere, zulke magische wezens. Zo mysterieus. En ze kunnen iets wat wij niet kunnen, namelijk kinderen baren. Ze zijn een en al liefde, ze kunnen ons ongelooflijk inspireren en ze kunnen ons maken en breken. We hunkeren naar de liefde van een vrouw. We hunkeren naar hun lach. 

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The Start of Sequel of Jamie in... ~ The Children's Health Clinic

The Start of Sequel of Jamie in... ~ The Children's Health Clinic
I have started my new book, as a sequel to "Jamie on his Cloud", in Dutch and English. Not quite sure what the new title will be, but will work on that and be guided by the Grand Master. Perhaps you can help me find the name for my sequel? I surely would appreciate your vote on this. I hope you enjoy this excerpt from Chapter 5, The Children's health clinic, about the serious situation in our world on vaccination to children, which lead to all kinds of issue in their life. Enjoy the reading and would appreciate your comments and vote.
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